Know Your Enemy: Wanna bet? Here are details behind Murdoch’s Wiretap Gate you’ve never heard of I Part 6 _Trailer

As we mentioned last time, although Wendi Deng married Rupert Murdoch and gave birth to two daughters, she is still far from taking control of News Corporation and it seems to be getting farther and farther away from this goal.

The Chinese Communist Party decided to help her out by throwing out the News of the World wiretapping scandal.

Curiously, when Murdoch bought a 40% stake in News of the World in October 1968, he ordered a flood of sensationalist stories in order to bring the paper back to life.

The paper finally went from being unsold to being in demand. He didn’t order a wiretap then, so why would he do it, when the News of the World became the top-selling newspaper?

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